Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Well, I guess it is safe to say that God has taught me much about transparency over the last year. I have attempted to be as genuine and as honest as possible.
Now, I believe it is time for a new lesson.

You see, it is great to be transparent.. honest. But as with everything else, your intentions that lay behind that honesty is what is important.

Beware of being unrighteous as you strive for righteousness.
I have come to realize through very unfortunate events that ones transparency can hurt others as well as oneself. If, in your transparency you display darkness found in your heart.. especially to unbelievers... then any of your attempts to shed light are nulled.

I must confess, that I have harbored bitterness in my heart. In an attempt to expose truth, I sunk to the level of exactly what I was combatting. Instead of showing grace, forgiveness.. I seeked justice.
Now, I am the one who feels I should ask forgiveness of those I (knowing Christ) should have forgiven a long time ago.

I have removed my blog from my facebook profile for the time being.. and am still not sure how I will proceed with the blog itself. After a year of open book on facebook, it may be time to refine.

To you ..should you read this,
I do not write this to right where I went wrong. I do pray that you forgive me. I could justify my intentions but in the end my sin, which should have only fallen on my shoulders, has affected you.
I apologize.

To you.. who will never read this,
Forgive me for holding these feelings of bitterness and anger against you. Forgive me for judging you. Forgive me for never forgiving you.

To you...Lord.
Forgive me Jesus. I thank you for blessing me with sight of my wrongdoings. I pray Lord that you bless those I have hurt. I ask that you teach me to shine only light. Teach me reservation when my heart is misplaced and wisdom to know when and when not to share. May my actions and words only reflect the God I follow.


Michael Findlay said...

Hey Cindy,

Forgiveness is a process. It takes time to let of the hurt and pain sometimes. Trust me, I know. Walk with God through this process and he will see you through.

Anonymous said...

I have heard it said that our walk is sometimes like peeling an onion. There are tears and pain as the Lord takes another layer off, but we get lighter and closer to the Center as a result.

Our witness is also a matter of showing our own brokenness and remorse for things done in the past and for feelings of bitterness and anger. Your light does shine, young Christian, as you show humility and ask forgiveness instead of trying to justify those misplaced feelings.

Do not expect to be forgiven. That's not the point. It is your change of heart and your humility and brokenness that says everything.

Your transparency testifies that we are saints yet we still may sin - that only through God's grace and by the blood of Christ can we claim to be righteous and pure, not through our own merit or actions.

Don't stop, because you don't know how and to whom your blogs may be a blessing and an encouragement!

Anonymous said...

To finish my thought... The Bible does not portray believers as 'having it all together' but as saints who struggle with sin. Paul describes his struggle with his flesh in detail. So IMHO it is a lie if we pass ourselves off as pure and sinless.

Rather we should present ourselves as authentic. Saved by the unearned gift of God and struggling to show Him our gratitude and love in return.

It is God who opens the unbeliever's heart and mind to His message, and He will use even the most insignificant part of your message to touch a heart. But if you go silent, there will be no message to use...

May God continue to bless you abundantly.