Sunday, October 19, 2008

Follow me.- Today

First of all.. To my God.
Lord forgive me.

And to you... I am so sorry.

"Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow." - James 4:14

I learnt this the hard way tonight. I truly believe that this is the first time that I am fully aware that I missed out on a blessing. That Jesus cried out "Follow me" and I replied .. "tuesday".

It is not that I did not have it on my heart to do what the Lord called me to do. I was just ... busy. Imagine that.. don't I feel sheepish now? Actually, I feel much worse.

Lord, I pray, that the next time you place something on my heart.. I drop everything to follow you.

If you believe that God is calling you to do something. Do it now. Follow. Do not tarry. Nothing is more important and all other things (which in hindsight are simply details) can wait.

"Act decidedly and take the consequences. No good deed was ever done by hesitation."

Thomas Henry Huxley

"Nonna" .. Rispoci in Pace. I know you are with the Lord. I will continue joining you in your prayers for your loved ones. Without ever meeting you have touched my heart. Thank you.

1 comment:

Rosanna Tomiuk said...

Hey girl. I feel you on this. Well, in my own way. It's like we always think, "Ahhh well, everything happens for a reason." But no, we can't just be ok with things we've passed up, divine moments we didn't seize. We need to forgive ourselves but not make the same mistake twice. Honey, I'm sorry though. What you wrote spoke to me about issues in my life. Of course, I can't judge what you did or didn't do.

It's just lately I haven't been able to DO STUFF. I'm stuck in this puddle of muddle, man.

Thank you, though. I mustn't hesitate.

With love,