Sunday, February 15, 2009


I'm a little overwhelmed these days. Processing alot. Feeling a weight on my shoulders that I can't shake. Tired of the stresses of everyday life and battling, seriously battling, to keep my head above water. Keeping my mind and heart focused on the beautiful blessings this life has to offer.

It's been a tough two weeks. My grandpa passed away last week and am not sure how or if it has all processed. Maybe because I feel like life just went on..when I would have liked the world to stop turning for just a moment.

Work is my biggest stress right now..and I hate that. It is mostly the stresses of others that are impacting me. I can feel it.

I am praying for a sense of peace, for rest. Praying to keep my eyes on Jesus and to know that this will pass and that He is always with me.

I'm tired... just so so tired..

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