Monday, March 7, 2011

3 months into motherhood. What Aleandro has taught me.


- I never thought my heart was capable of containing so much love.

- I've realized even more than before how much I really love new experiences in life.

- God will work things out when you confess your fears to Him and place them in His hands.

- Babies grow really fast. The closet is in constant rotation. Take a picture of that 'favorite outfit' cause he may just wear it once.

- I never thought I could be so excited about the frequency and consistency of one's poo!

- Doing dishes, laundry, moping the floor now feel like great accomplishments in a day.

- Enjoy every moment. Dedicate this maternity leave to him. Everything else is secondary. I will never get these fleeting moments back.

- It's never too early to pray with your child. Ale and I pray together every night.

- My husband still needs to feel loved. Even though my heart overflows with love for Aleandro..there is still enough for Joel.

- My morning 'me time' devoted to spending time with God shapes my day. I am so thankful for it. It is so important. It fuels me.

- I have been humbled by the changes to my body and physique and battle every day with the lies to my self esteem.

- Joel is a fantastic father. It is ok that he does things differently than I do.

- My heart really hurts when my son hurts.

- Aleandro has taught me to look at everyone through a mother's eyes. It has softened my heart and is making me a better person.

- I 'can' do this.

- God must really love me to allow us to raise this little boy. He has given me such a great responsibility and every day I thank Him for the opportunity.


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