Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sunday Lunch.

In response to my last post... maybe God was simply waiting on me to acknowledge and openly confess my feelings at the time.

To my friend, I had written...
The few things that are keeping me at least looking That way is that there is no condemnation in the love of Christ.. You are forgiven..He knows what will happen..and IF I pray.. He has the power to somehow bring me back..

In short... for the past week... I have been battling with the dry spell feeling after a month of spiritual highs.

After countless invitations over the year... I finally participated in a Sunday lunch with a group of Christians from around Montreal.. which ended at 9 this evening! We ended up sitting in Second Cup discussing Gideon and Samson.

My hunger for knowledge was stirred again..


David said...

wow, 9PM... from lunch time... this was intense, or it just kept flowing - glad to hear. You looked pretty quiet yesterday.

There's ups and downs, even in our walk with God - there's rhythm in everything, even in our relationship with God. Some weeks I'm so into the scriptures and some weeks my journal is filled with more prayer and thanks, and sometimes it's short, and sometimes I get too caught up with life and it's empty. But over the long journey it continues.

Glad to hear you had a great rest of the day - and in a cool red/pink coat!

OH... and you got me rethinking about simplicity! Maybe a future series that's been in the back of my mind and heart.

Cindy said...

It was intense and just kept flowing lol.. It really was a good time .. as I was waiting for Evan, I almost changed my mind about going but am so happy I didn't.

Simplicity eh? You got me thinking about it today.. I was trying to define it.. unbeleivable how 'we have made simplicity so complicated'.

Coffee soon soon!!