Friday, March 27, 2009

Your will be done.

After this manner therefore pray ye:
Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done in earth,
as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:9-10
Due to crazy circumstances happening in the lives of many around me, I've had alot to pray for lately. It's gotten to the point that I don't know 'what to pray'. The Lord's prayer has been in my head for the last few days.
Im processing alot of information and need to blog it out. Maybe once written out, I may be able to see the message more clearly. Not sure but it's worth a try. My head is foggy these days...
Thy will be done.
God's will and my father possibly finding out that he has cancer. I don't think someone dying of cancer is in God's will. I don't think any sickness is in God's will. I beleive that when we pray to God that His will be done, we pray for healing. When we ask for God's will to be done in our lives, we pray that circumstances change to the way He would have intended them to be in the first place.
Praying for His overuling hand to bring a touch of heaven to earth.
When asking God for His will to be done over my father's life, I beleive I am asking Him to miraculously make the spot on his lung disappear. I am also asking for so much more. More than I could even comprehend.
In other circumstances, I beleive that God's will isn't shown in miracles, but that to see God's will be done, we must actively live it.
My God is loving. He does not want us sick. Does not want us to experience pain. And would love this earth to be as it is in heaven. I believe that is His will.
I have a hard time believing that it is in God's will for someone to be ill. I know that many of the 'bad' things that happen in our lives are caused by sin, ours or others, but sin nonetheless.
I worried for a second that with my conviction that God is good, that I may be deeply disappointed should worse come to worse... but I am also understanding that choices we make lead to consequences in our lives.
Im still processing why God doesn't intervene in all situations, why people die when we ask for miracles.. I don't think Ill get the answer. My comfort is that God is still good, and there are things I just won't be able to understand in this lifetime.
So I will keep believing with conviction, that God is loving, that His heart breaks when we suffer, that He is sovereign and that He can do miracles. I will keep believing that He can at times show us glimpses of heaven.
I will keep praying that His will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Same tree.

As I was walking home, I saw a man standing alone in a bus shelter. By the looks of him, he looked like any other average Joe. What was amazing was that from across this busy street, I also heard the man. Belting out, singing "Father, there is no name like your name." His voice was beautiful! He poured out his heart onto this busy boulevard with no reservations.
To many this man must have looked completly insane..sigh..a 'Jesus Freak'. But to me, for those few moments as I walked by and gave him the biggest smile, I felt connected.