Monday, July 6, 2009

Toby. Jesus loves you.

Last weekend a great friend of mine and I went out. Before the night began, we had prayed that God show us what He wanted us to see and that He surround us with angels because my friend has such a heart for Montreal and it's people. So where better to go than the heart of downtown Montreal to gain perspective on this city..

My heart is not at the same place. I'm not sure if it is a bad thing to say.. although I care for people in this city and would gladly help her on her Montreal mission.. it is not my passion. It is not what makes my heart break to pieces. Oh..I just feel horrible saying that. I guess, I just feel like God places different heartbreaks on different peoples hearts cause one person can't do it all, and we each have a place and mission of our own.. all for the greater good of this world.. all in the name of Jesus.

Anyways, that being said.. we met a man named Toby on the street. He was standing on the sidewalk begging for money with a handwritten "beer fund" sign in his hands. We passed him once and then on the way to the car passed him again. Something about this 'Toby'.. something inside me just told me to not ignore this man.

So, I reached into my purse.

HA, at that point, my friend told me "You aren't really going to fund his addiction are you????"

I said; "No... I'm going to buy a prayer"

Now, I am sure the small change I gave him made no big dent in his 'beer fund'.. but it did open the door.. He let me pray over him!!

Anyone that knows me well, knows that it is very difficult for me to pray out loud. I do pray..ALOT.. but mostly in writing. My journal is more a collection of prayers and discussions with God than anything else..

This is what makes me beleive that the words I prayed over Toby where not my own, but God's wish for him. God wanted this man to know that He loves him and that he could change his life and bring him true joy, hope and LIFE.

Afterwards, we got a little insight as he told us a bit about his life. He has been living on the streets for the past ten years, begs for money (sometimes just out of lack of having anything else to do), and hear this, muffled under his breath, is somewhat getting tired of it..

We then encountered a deaf-mute elderly man sitting on the pavement. He was desperately making signs to drop change into his baseball cap. So.. I took out more change, squatted beside him and put my hands together and 'signed' to him that I was going to pray for him. Again, the words just came.. What was beautiful to see was that as I blurted out my prayer close into his ear.. he calmed down, stopped signing for change for a moment, pulled hard at his earlobe, closed his eyes.. and listened.

All of the praise and glory goes to Jesus. If it weren't for God..haha, there is no way I would be praying out loud that night. It is awesome that God would use a stranger to tell these men how much he loves them. That He would use a mule like me to talk. That without even my realizing it.. I was praying over men on a busy downtown sidewalk..words flowing out of my mouth.

JESUS you are truly awesome!! Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your conversation with the world that night.

Once home though, I couldn't fall asleep. All I could think was how great it would have been to have a place to bring this man. It got me thinking about how sad it is that our churches are closed most of the week and that the 'safest places on earth' are closed during the most dangerous times of the night. I started imagining people, broken, desperate, lost... thinking their last hope may lay in the hands God..crying at the door of a church.. courageously pulling at the door..only to realize.. it's doors are locked.

I guess that is why God sends his church out into the world. We just have to make sure we don't lock the door...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Death is the time to say I love you.

Michael Jackson's death.
I just don't get it. Why is it that we celebrate one's life once they have passed away but often times, don't do it when they are alive. This man was treated with such disgust,ridicule and scrutiny throughout his life... and now the whole world is calling him a legend.
I am in no way making light of his accomplishments, that isn't the point of this rant.

Im just terribly saddened by the fact that the dead get more respect than the living. I just don't get it..

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Why I'm still singing Blessed be Your name.

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand,
and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
Romans 5:1-2

Saturday, April 4, 2009

He is still a loving God...

I can count a million times

People asking me how

I Can praise You

with all that I've gone through

The question just amazes me

Can circumstances possibly

Change who I forever am in You

Maybe since my life was changed

Long before these rainy days

It's never really ever crossed my mind

To turn my back on you, oh Lord

My only shelter from the storm

But instead I draw closer through these times

So I pray

Bring me joy, bring me peace

Bring the chance to be free

Bring me anything that brings You glory

And I know there'll be days

When this life brings me pain

But if that's what it takes to praise You

Jesus, bring the rain

I am Yours regardless of

The dark clouds that may loom above

Because You are much greater than my pain

You who made a way for me

By suffering Your destiny

So tell me what's a little rain

So I pray

Holy, holy, holy

Is the Lord God Almighty

Friday, April 3, 2009

Divine intervention

I blogged out a letter to God but chose to delete it.

I am not mad with God. I have many questions. I'm broken and searching for answers and comfort from Him.

Nonetheless, midway, I deleted it. I am struggling and hurting. I am all for sharing my heart. But I would never want someone who is searching to fall on that one blog and by reading into my struggles instead deduct from it that God does not answer our prayers.

I still beleive God does answer prayer. I still can't understand how, why, or when. But I beleive that He hears our cries. I think that He does intervene when we ask Him to..just not always in the way we would have liked.

I asked God last night why He didn't hear my prayers, why He didn't make my father's spot disappear, why it had to happen now?

I asked God "Why didn't You intervene?"

I don't think I have often experienced God 'speaking' to me directly. At least not in this way..
But I am assured this time. So I will go ahead, at the risk of sounding terribly cliche and say it...God spoke to me.

God said this.
'How do you know that I didn't intervene?'

Yup..that's it. Nothing fancy. No thunderous words. No bright lights. Just one question, one sentence that completly interrupted my train of thought.
That one sentence... says a whole lot..

Friday, March 27, 2009

Your will be done.

After this manner therefore pray ye:
Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done in earth,
as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:9-10
Due to crazy circumstances happening in the lives of many around me, I've had alot to pray for lately. It's gotten to the point that I don't know 'what to pray'. The Lord's prayer has been in my head for the last few days.
Im processing alot of information and need to blog it out. Maybe once written out, I may be able to see the message more clearly. Not sure but it's worth a try. My head is foggy these days...
Thy will be done.
God's will and my father possibly finding out that he has cancer. I don't think someone dying of cancer is in God's will. I don't think any sickness is in God's will. I beleive that when we pray to God that His will be done, we pray for healing. When we ask for God's will to be done in our lives, we pray that circumstances change to the way He would have intended them to be in the first place.
Praying for His overuling hand to bring a touch of heaven to earth.
When asking God for His will to be done over my father's life, I beleive I am asking Him to miraculously make the spot on his lung disappear. I am also asking for so much more. More than I could even comprehend.
In other circumstances, I beleive that God's will isn't shown in miracles, but that to see God's will be done, we must actively live it.
My God is loving. He does not want us sick. Does not want us to experience pain. And would love this earth to be as it is in heaven. I believe that is His will.
I have a hard time believing that it is in God's will for someone to be ill. I know that many of the 'bad' things that happen in our lives are caused by sin, ours or others, but sin nonetheless.
I worried for a second that with my conviction that God is good, that I may be deeply disappointed should worse come to worse... but I am also understanding that choices we make lead to consequences in our lives.
Im still processing why God doesn't intervene in all situations, why people die when we ask for miracles.. I don't think Ill get the answer. My comfort is that God is still good, and there are things I just won't be able to understand in this lifetime.
So I will keep believing with conviction, that God is loving, that His heart breaks when we suffer, that He is sovereign and that He can do miracles. I will keep believing that He can at times show us glimpses of heaven.
I will keep praying that His will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Same tree.

As I was walking home, I saw a man standing alone in a bus shelter. By the looks of him, he looked like any other average Joe. What was amazing was that from across this busy street, I also heard the man. Belting out, singing "Father, there is no name like your name." His voice was beautiful! He poured out his heart onto this busy boulevard with no reservations.
To many this man must have looked completly insane..sigh..a 'Jesus Freak'. But to me, for those few moments as I walked by and gave him the biggest smile, I felt connected.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I'm a little overwhelmed these days. Processing alot. Feeling a weight on my shoulders that I can't shake. Tired of the stresses of everyday life and battling, seriously battling, to keep my head above water. Keeping my mind and heart focused on the beautiful blessings this life has to offer.

It's been a tough two weeks. My grandpa passed away last week and am not sure how or if it has all processed. Maybe because I feel like life just went on..when I would have liked the world to stop turning for just a moment.

Work is my biggest stress right now..and I hate that. It is mostly the stresses of others that are impacting me. I can feel it.

I am praying for a sense of peace, for rest. Praying to keep my eyes on Jesus and to know that this will pass and that He is always with me.

I'm tired... just so so tired..

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Beautiful blessings

-What a beautiful thing it is to have your heart break for something. To feel the burden of another's struggle. To want nothing more than to share the love of Christ and to trust that He can do the impossible.

-What a blessing it is to find meaning and purpose in this life. And to trust that I will never be acting alone, that I will always have Jesus guiding me.

-How amazing it is to know the meaning of true love. To feel unconditional love and to learn to give it back.

-How wonderful it is to let your guard down, without fear of being attacked or criticized. How wonderful it is to finally just

-How great is it to live with conviction, with belief, with faith.

-How beautiful is it to see the eyes of another's heart slowly open to the truth.

-What a blessing it is to see others deepening their relationship with God, following God, trusting God.

Beautiful..beautiful blessings.

May God bless you and may your heart overflow with His love. I pray that you see, feel, breathe, live the blessings He has placed in your life.
Amen. AMEN!