Friday, January 28, 2011

His Word on my heart.

"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not in ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets but on tablets of human hearts."
2Corinthians 3:3

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My intention

I met someone for the first time tonight who has recently (a year or so) come to know Jesus. It was so refreshing and such a reminder to me. It brought me back to all of the experiences I have gone through in the past few years , to the feelings of thirst, the unveiling of truth, the restoration, the healing. It reminded me of the pureness of God's love..

It also reminded me of how transparent I used to be. I beleive that I have become more guarded, more selective and in all honesty lazy...

I went back and reviewed my facebook blogs, and this blog and realized that amongst many other things.. one practice that I need to get back to is blogging.

I never used my blog as a voice to the world, but more so as my journal of thoughts, lessons learnt, experiences. I used to blog often on Sundays after the gathering, collecting my thoughts and impressions.These Sunday blogs forced me to reflect on the message a little while longer, forced me to go a little deeper.

Intention- For any relationship to grow you must be intentional in spending time with the other person.
I must become more intentional about spending time with God.