I am heading back to Cuba in a month. Once again, plans have begun to visit my church and Pastor Gustav.. Since I will be in Cuba alone for a week and a half, I hope to have the opportunity to spend more time with the church whether it be in prayer, relationnally, serving or in worship. I pray that God give me this opportunity.

Last year, we had the opportunity to bring toys to these 'children of the state' and play with them for a little over an hour. It was one of the best experiences of my life. I am especially fond of this one boy Hector - whom I hope to see again this year. He took me by such surprise last year when he hugged me so tight and with such love after I gave him his Buzz Lightyear doll. I had never felt a hug like that -ever!

In my last post a year ago..I was amazed at the providence God had over our trip. How He brought donation after donation to our doorstep. I am assured that this year He will do the same. God provides.
What encouraged me this year is God's wonderful 'coincidences' that lead me to wholeheartedly beleive that He is once more arranging for my trip. I had the opportunity last week to meet with a couple who were visiting our church. The husband is a missionnary who travels to Cuba 5-6 times a year working with the Cuban churches. There are not many organizations in Canada that go into Cuba. His wife gave me the website of the organization he works for (http://www.worldserve.org/) as well as his email.
Another encourager was my friend Angie. She brought me a book today called God's Smuggler. It is about Brother Andrew who's mission field was Yugoslav in 1957. Not only was the title perfect (I have often refered to my Cuba travels as smuggle trips) but what was written on the back off the book jumped of the page...