Saturday, November 8, 2008

24 hour prayer

Westside's first 24 hour prayer has come to an end.


After 48 hours without sleep, I should really be in bed right now..but need to capture my emotions beforehand.

First off let me explain,
A group of us from church (Westside Gathering in conjuction with 24/7 Prayer Canada) prayed for 24 hours for our community, the world, our loved ones, friends, neighbours and basically anyone who requested prayer.

The responses I received in request for prayers were a blessing but also a great responsibility. I told these people that we would pray for them.. and I have to admit, as they kept pouring in.. I felt some anxiety. That anxiety was quickly dissolved once I came to the realization that God had already heard their cries, that He would carry their burdens..not me.

So... we parked our Uhaul converted into a prayer room at the Esso Gas Station at the corner of St-John's boulevard and began pumping out prayer..

I understand that a Uhaul is a bit unconvetional, just as is 24hours of continuous prayer.. but I follow a God that parted waters, made donkeys speak and walked on water.. therefore our crazy, 'radical' Uhaul surely made Him smile. :)

This has been an experience of a lifetime.

In only 24hours, I have been blessed, challenged, stretched, inspired.

My most enjoyable moments were spent silently watching Westside pray. I would open my eyes as we prayed and look around at these big hearts yearning for restoration in our city.
It brought tears to my eyes. I was witnessing God at work. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL.

I was also touched by the true desire of my community to share the love of Christ with others. Touched by the discomfort/pain we all experience, knowing that others don't know, cannot understand, how Jesus truly transforms lives and brings an inexplainable fullness to one's life. I was happy to see this authentic desire to share it with everyone who crosses our path.

The prayers were bittersweet.
It was a blessing feel God's heart for people.
It was a great joy to join Him in prayer.
Nonetheless, it broke my heart to hear the cries of my community.

We were in the presence of the Lord..
.... wow!.....

Nonetheless.. my prayers will not end here. Every prayer posted on those walls must be transcribed to our hearts. I know God is pleased that we spent this time with Him, that we prayed that His will be done.. nonethess, if we wish to remain with Him on this great adventure He has planned.. the praying must go on!

The prayers I prayed broke my heart, and I pray that it continues bleeding.

Greater things...
have yet to come...
in this city.

May God bless you.


Dave Carrol said...

Cindy this is amazing. I'm a part of 24/7 in Brantford Ontario and just wanted to say that this is VERY VERY cool to hear about this!

Bless ya

Cindy said...

Still being "wowed" by it all. God is a work in this city.. and I feel so blessed to be able to see it!

Although I beleived wholeheartedly that God would hear our prayers.. I never ever could have imagined the results of these 24 hours..Im still taking it all in, and I don't think God is done surprising us. He was there, He heard, and things..wonderful things are happening!?!

I guess my mustard seed did come in handy. :)

Thanks for the comment Dave. Was inspiring and encouraging to hear (read) from you!

Much love.


TC said...

Hey Cindy,

I don't use this blog that often, but I found out about your post through 24-7 Prayer Canada. Daria posted a blog called God even shows up in U-Hauls!! and it was featured on the front page of their website.

I enjoyed your post, as I'm trying to find out about 24-7 prayer and the prayer rooms and boiler rooms that are starting up.

Blessings to ya!