Sunday, November 11, 2007


Most of this blog has been filled with lessons learned. When I read back, I remember the situation I was in which led me to the lesson.
The situation itself, in hindsight, is never as important as the lesson that came out of it.

Tonight, I write again to remind myself.
So often, we yearn for 'big' things.. and forget the little miracles and wonders that surround us.
I write this so as not to forget the many things I already have to be grateful for.

I have two extremely special people in my life that I can truly count on to listen, guide and teach me. It is Jesus that has brought us together and created a bond that I have never experienced before. So I am eternally grateful to have you, Christina and Elie, on this walk with me.

I have become a part of the Westside community. A group of truly good people who love Christ and strive to live by his Word. I am grateful to have found a community that I love worshipping with, serving with and growing with. So many different walks all on the same path. So many experiences and knowledge under one roof.

I am thankful to have my pastor Dave and his wife Franca. They truly are an inspiration.
I am grateful to have a pastor who is down to earth and whom I trust is guiding us in the right direction. Who loves God with all of his heart and who shows his commitment to the growth of his community.

I am grateful to see that people can care without any benefit to themselves.

I am blessed to have my cousin Cindy, who truly knows me and the struggles I have faced in my life and who understands.

I coming to realize that everything and everyone is placed in certain places at certain times in our lives. It is all planned out.

I am grateful for the nudges, the awakenings, the messages I get out of the blue. The Bible verses that appear before me in such light when I need them the most.

The strangers that have said things that only I could understand at that moment. The beautiful coincidences that make absolutely no sense.. the coincidences that make sense of it all.

I am grateful that in such a short period of time I have learnt so much.
So many lessons, so much wisdom, so much guidance.

This walk isn't always easy.. and I stumble, I complain, I cry.. but now.. taking a moment to stop and look around, I see such beauty.

Forgive me Lord for not seeing all you given me.
Thank you Jesus.

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