Saturday, April 12, 2008

In the process...

Processing a few thoughts in my head.. just jotting them down and hoping to be able to blog about them soon..

-What is it to truly need? There is a big difference between needing and wanting. I think we often blur the two. What is it that we truly need and in this society, can we live on need alone?

-Evil people. I don't believe anyone is truly evil. We were all made in His image. Blind maybe but evil? Starting to take a hard look at the heart of others. Calloused hearts. Raging hearts. And what made them that way.

-Community. Judging others. Where does our judging stem from? I am starting to take a good look at myself. Imagining myself going to church for the first time wearing nothing but my past.
Brings on deeper thoughts about Grace and how it is available to all.

-Prayer. What is prayer? Why does God want us to pray? What do our prayers accomplish? God is not an order taker.. how can we make our prayers 'effective'. What does prayer bring to me? and how does God change my heart through prayer? How does He use my prayers?

-My future.. Where is God leading me? In my life, the relationships he has set on my path, the pressings I feel on my heart, the feeling of unrest, his involvement in my career and day to day. There are certain places I know God has placed me in and there I will stay. I just feel a pressing on my heart that another route will be coming along.. I am in waiting..

So there.. at this point.. those are the thoughts in my head... Welcome everyone. :)


David said...

good questions

prayer - no answer at the moment - but consider reflecting on the Lord's Prayer - in Matt. 6 - what does that tell you about prayer. That's probably a good start.

Cindy said...

Will let The Lord's Prayer sink in..
Also noticed, Matt 6 and 7 have quite a bit to say about many of the stirrings going on in my heart.. prayer, judging others, good and bad fruit, needs and future.. amazing really..

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock."

Will have to sit on this one for a little bit.