Friday, December 21, 2007


Eyes open.
Im a little disappointed.
I guess it should be expected.

Where is the meaning of Christmas? What in the world are people celebrating?

I went shopping a few days ago... since I am now aware...
I found it sad to see how hard it was to find a cross (unless on sale in the jewelry department).
I was so upset to see two 'Bible quote calendars' (on the very bottom shelf) in the Calendar store as opposed to 26 Bikini calendars. (So upset that I took them off the shelf and placed them at eye level)

I was all excited to put up my Christmas tree...
and then realized I had no clue why we even did put up a tree!!

Before becoming a Christian, I refused to celebrate Christmas.. I found no meaning, I found it commercial.

I wonder.. why do people celebrate Christmas? Do they realize what celebration they have masked in tinsel? What does it mean to them? Do they celebrate without meaning?

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