Sunday, December 30, 2007

Can't you hear him knocking?

It pains me that you do not see. That you cannot hear God knocking at your door.
It breaks my heart.

He loves you. He is calling you. Do you chose not to hear? You feel the nudge.
I have seen firsthand how God can 'woo' someone. I have seen him relentlessly try to get the attention he more than deserves. Looking back, I can only bow my head down and cry when I realize that GOD went to all that trouble just for me!?? It is a beautiful thing to see. It is overwhelming to ponder.

When Jesus calls you by name, it becomes hard to ignore.

By the stories you tell me.. I can see that He has always been there. Right by your side.
Hindsight.. such a beautiful beautiful thing.. How many times has God knocked on your door?
How much more is He knocking now? How much more will He have to do before you see? No coincidence has gone unnoticed. From my experience, a coincidence has always been a wink from God.
You are seeing him everywhere, he is present everyday.

If only you knew the beauty, the joy that awaits you. It is more than anything this world can offer. You may feel complete in my presence. I will never be able to complete you. You may believe that you feel true love.. beloved.. you have not felt true, pure, unconditional love until you have fallen into the arms of Christ. Nothing - absolutely nothing compares.

I believe that with God - All things are possible.
He is knocking. Follow him. He will do the rest.

1 comment:

lagirl_638 said...

Hey Cindy
I read your baptisim blog and i just loved it. It really touched me and i`m soooo proud of you. i will always keep you on my heart, keep searching for Jesus and he will reveal himself to you. thank you so much for letting me know that it was there. it was a real treasure.