Sunday, December 30, 2007

God can speak through any man.

My home Westside did not have a gathering this Sunday. I took the opportunity to visit a different community. Since their Pastor was out of town, they had a visitor come in to preach. Many, including myself were shocked/uncomfortable by his manner of preaching. I believe it may have been the wording he used. Nonetheless all of that is unimportant. In the midst of his words, a message was still present..

God can speak through any man... sometimes you simply have to listen a little harder. Dig.. Seek.

Here are a few things I jotted down during the service. Some were said by the Pastor and others were brought to mind while he spoke.

~God is not far. Even when we don't feel him.

~We must all have a vision. If you are in a difficult situation, at a crossroad, silence... Wait on God.

~Lift up no other man but Jesus!

~Respect your Pastor. Respect your elders. Respect those that teach you. Guide you.

~Respect the grace given to others. See in everyone the grace given. (love this one.)

~Honor God through your behavior.

~The Church belongs to all of us, not just the Pastor. It is as much our responsibility as his.

~Believe in God. All things are possible!!

~With God, there are no mountains. Stand firm.

~What has made you go back? What has made you fall?

~Do not lose the battle because of pain. Keep your eyes on the reward.

~Respond to God's word. Respond to His voice. Even when you don't fully understand.

~Call on me and I will answer. Seek and you will find me.



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