Sunday, September 23, 2007

Why I love Sundays.

Sunday is my favorite day of the week. All week long, no matter what I may encounter, I always always look forward to my sundays.

Everyday, I take time out to speak with Jesus. I always try to find even a moment to spend with Him. These moments usually fill me with a sense of peace, fulfillment, love.

Sundays are a little different... I use them to let him speak to me. Every song, every prayer, every message, speaks to me. On Sunday morning, I truly take the time to devote myself to only him. I dwell in his love, listen with an open heart to his message.

It is also a beautiful thing to be surrounded by others that love Him as much as I do. Others that know him. Others that live by his ways. It is encouraging, especially when I often spend my weeks persecuted, ridiculed for my faith.

My Sundays are precious to me. My God is precious to me.
In this busy life we live, where the world runs fast, where noise attacks from all sides, where darkness lingers, I appreciate every moment where light can be found.

Jesus.. I thank you for Sundays.


David said...

i read this and then read it out loud to Franca... I love knowing that Sunday's are such a joy for you.
They are for me too - but knowing they help someone for another week in the thick and thin of life makes it more exciting for me.

Cindy said...

Thanks for the comments Dave!
It's true.. Sundays are amazing.. they are the days I read the most, pray the most, ponder the most. It is my day in 'the spiritual world', a day where the 'outside world' doesn't take precedence. It is truly a blessing to have such a day!!